
The IGPM has been created to support the development and career progression of the General Practice Management community and to provide a governing body through which managers can become accredited and fully recognised as a distinct profession.

Associate members of the IGPM can apply, if the Associate is appropriately experienced, to be accredited as a full Member of the IGPM.

Applicants for the award of Member of the Institute of General Practice Management (MIGPM) must demonstrate the required proficiency as detailed in the accreditation framework.

Comprehensive written evidence needs to be supplied in each of 10 domains and the awarding panel must be satisfied that an aggregate pass level has been reached in all of these domains.


To be eligible and apply to become a full member of the IGPM:

The applicant must have been in a substantive managerial role in general practice for not less than 2 years.
The applicant must not be in breach of any article in the Constitution of the IGPM.
The applicant must not be in any pending or active disciplinary action at the time of application.

Accreditation process